The Meadows Junior Golf Program


2 Hole Program: Ages 7-10 (Recommended)

5 Hole Program: Ages 11-13 (Recommended)

9 Hole Program: Ages 14-18 (Recommended) FULL


1 Hour Weekly Instruction

2 Groups: New to the Game and Better Beginners

Juniors Ages 6 to 12



The primary goal of all of our Junior Programs is to develop lifelong golfers, who will learn a deep appreciation and respect for the game of golf. Our Programs will be FUN, while reinforcing positive core values. The number of committed players to the game will show the success of our program, long after they complete our program.

Our two programs are the Tuesday Beginner Program and the Friday Golfing Program.  Friday programs include group lessons, playing holes, on course supervision, lunch and prizes the last week of play.  The Tuesday Beginner Program focuses on learning the basics of the game through group lessons, while having fun with other kids of similar age.

The Friday Golf Program is for the junior in your life who has had experience on the course, and is ready to play some “real” golf.  It is broken down into 3 main groups: 2 hole program, 5 hole program, and the 9 hole program.  Each of these groups are broken into 2 sub-groups.  The age designation shown should be a good gauge, but should not be your only consideration when selecting which program.  Also consider skill level, maturity, and scheduling.  Friday golf programs will be 8 weeks in duration.

Our Friday Golf Program will also include 30 minutes of group instruction and games before playing each week.  Head Professional Kyle Braska will head up this instruction along with his Staff.  Prominent High School players from the area will be helping as well.  Again this year we will be asking parents to sign up as caddies/scorekeepers for the 2 and 5 hole groups.  This is not a requirement as we know many parents have tons of other things going on in their busy lives, but it is encouraged to those who are able to help out.  Getting parents involved will not only help the kids finish up the holes they are supposed to play in a timely manner, but it will also allow the parents to see their kids improve over the course of the program.  This will also help us monitor etiquette on the course, and help with on course safety.  Parents play a vital role in assisting in all other sports such as soccer, hockey, football, basketball, and baseball/softball.  We say why not golf?

The Tuesday Beginner program will be group instruction for juniors new to the game.  We will be teaching everything from etiquette to the grip, to stance and set-up, to putting/chipping, to the full swing.  Again, we want the kids to learn the game in the most fun way possible.  Our goal is that they want to be excited to come out and learn the game in exciting and fun ways.  This is a 6-week program that will start in June.

The Friday Programs include a lunch each week following play.  This is a great time for the juniors to get to know the staff better, make some new friends and enjoy the camaraderie that our golf programs encourage.

Registration for both Programs opens March 1, 2025 at Noon.  This year, all registration and payments will go through our new Golf Genius Software.  Click here for the link to the Junior Golf Registration Website!  Your Junior’s spot in any of our groups is not confirmed until registration and payment is made through the new website.  Hopefully, this change will make the process easier and smoother for everyone!

Program Descriptions and Cost

Tuesday Beginner Program at The Meadows

6-Week Program Dates: 

June 24, July 1, July 8, July 15, July 22, July 29


Cost: $140

New To The Game: 9:00am

  • 1 Hour of Instruction and Games – 16 Max

  • Start from scratch

    • Etiquette

    • Golf vocabulary

    • Grip, Stance, Posture

    • Putting, Chipping, Full Swing

Better Beginners: 10:05am

  • 1 Hour of Instruction and Games – 16 Max

  • Improving to Next Level

    • Etiquette

    • Grip, Stance, Posture

    • Putting, Chipping, Full Swing

    • Course Management – Learn to Score

Is my child a beginner junior golfer? 

Ages 6 to 12 yrs. A beginning junior in their first or second year of golf, has a set of clubs, wants to get better and to learn how and what to practice. The Beginner program is a 1-hour lesson, with educational and fun games. Emphasis will be on fun and will include swing fundamentals, proper golf etiquette and basic rules.

Friday Junior Golf Program at The Meadows

Program Dates:

June 20, June 27, July 11, July 18, July 25, August 8, August 15, August 29

8 Week Program 

2 Hole Program $210

(Suggested Age 7-10)

  • Includes 30 minutes of group instruction and games before play

  • Each week they play hole two holes that are open on the course

  • Each group must be accompanied by a parent or Meadows staff member

  • Parents sign up as (Caddies/Scorekeepers) (Not Required)

  • 2 Groups 

    • 10:45am (Max 16 juniors)

    • 11:15am (Max 16 juniors)

5 Hole Program $285 

(Suggested Ages 11-13)

  • Includes 30 minutes of group instruction and games before play

  • Play 5 Holes Each Week

  • Parents sign up as (Caddies/Scorekeepers) (Not Required)

  • 3 Groups

    • 8:45am (Max 12 juniors)

    • 9:15am (Max 16 juniors)

    • 10:00am (Max 16 juniors)

9 Hole Program $330 – FULL

(Suggested Ages 14-18)

  • Includes 30 minutes of group instruction and games before play

  • Play 9 holes each week

  • 1 Group – 8:15am (Max 16 juniors)