Friday Night Couple's League

Friday Night Couple’s League 

Friday Night Couples League dates are listed below.  Our couples league is a scramble so all skill levels are encouraged to join the fun.  Couple’s league is also a no commitment league.  If you can’t make it one night, you simply don’t show up.  So if you are ready for some fun and a lot of laughs, join us on the dates below.

Schedule:  TBD

Cost: This is a pay as you go league, with no upfront cost.  You pay each night you can make it, if you can’t make it on a particular night for whatever reason you just don’t pay.  Carts are required for pace of play.  Each night you’ll be randomly paired with another couple, unless specified otherwise.  If you are SMC Member, green fees are FREE. If you are not a current SMC Member, green fees are $20/person ($8 green fee/$12 cart fee). $10/couple will be collected each week for prizes for a total of $30/person ($60/couple). 

We do appreciate couples letting us know by the Wednesday before each date if you plan on playing.  This just helps get an estimated head count so we can plan accordingly as the size of the league continues to grow. 

Format will be a couple’s scramble.  You and your partner will scramble with another couple for all 9 holes.  Scoring is an altered Stableford.  2 points for an under par score, 1 point for a Par, and ½ point for a bogey, 0 points for double bogey or higher.  After play, playing cards will be awarded per point to make your couple’s poker hand.  Additional cards can be bought as well, $1/card, .50 cents for a ½ point/card.  Top poker hands will win prizes.  4 hole events (2 for men and 2 for women), such as longest putt, will be awarded prizes as well each week.





For questions or to sign up your couple please email Head Golf Professional Kyle Braska at [email protected] or call 608-849-9000.